one of a kind art doll

Nightrider - light & power worker

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
Click on Image for larger view
approx. 11 inches high -20.5 inches w/ base -13 inches wide
Isle of Appleshire Series

The is a "Nightrider", one who works for the village power company. They are the caretakers of the fireflies that are placed into the street lamps and the tall "claw-horns", the night creatures that they ride. These creatures,also known as "leaf eaters" are very gentle as long as they only come out at night. Their large eyes allow them to see the smallest detail in the dark but daylight is very painful. Their long legs enable them to eat the top, most tender, tree shoots and gives the rider the needed height to reach to the top of lamp posts.


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Witch Hazel - wicked witch

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Witch Hazel "
approx. 13 inches high w/stand - 19 inches long
Isle of Appleshire Series

No matter what island or world we go to, there always seems to be a wicked witch and Appleshire is no exception. Hazel is the wicked witch of the south. A gal with a nasty attitude, at least most of the time and she doesn't like dogs very much either, as you can tell by the little toto dog dangling at the end of her rope. On this particular day she lost one of her favorite brooms while she was visiting Mirror Lake. She got so mad that when she noticed a nearby Flamingo she morphed it into a new broom that she admits that it is becoming one of her favorites.


If you like this sculpture and have questions or would like to commission a piece just for you. Just click button.