antique object

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Just Being a Boy"
oil on canvas - 5"x7"
still life antique objects
While I was painting this old pair of shoes I found myself
having visions of my dad helping his father on an old wagon
delivering ice, running around getting into mischief and just
being a boy. I guess that's why I love old things,
I think they say a lot.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you,
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Copyright © 2007 Linda Apple
"Rose Red"
oil on canvas - 6"x8"
still life antique object
"This is a small plastic doll that belonged to my mother. You can
move her head back & forth and her legs move (like walking). Her
arms can also be moved and her eyes open and close. I named her
Rose Red but I never knew what mum called her. She is very small,
about 4.5". This was the only doll that I knew my mum had that was
hers. I don't know much else about her but she is still cherished."
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2007 Linda Apple
"Little Bo Peep"
oil on hardboard - 5"x7"
still life antique objects
This is an antique figurine that a friend recently acquired. I think
this little Bo Peep has definitely lost her sheep or at least I have
not seen them. I thought she was a very fancy little gal."
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2007 Linda Apple
"Antique Perfume Bottle"
oil on hardboard - 4.5"x7.5"
still life antique objects
"This is an old perfume bottle dated around 1903 that was produced
by Richard Hudnut /New York / Paris. I loved the embossed glass.
This one still has its original cork stopper too!"
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2007 Linda Apple
"Antique Baby Shoes"
oil on hardboard - 5"x7"
still life antique objects
"I have been trying to get organized after a big move. I came across
this pair of baby shoes in a box with some family heirlooms. Funny
to call them "antique" as I know these were MY shoes!" Hmmmmm.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2007 Linda Apple
"Wind Up Dog Toy"
oil on masonite - 6"x7"
still life antique toy
"This was a fun piece to do with its bright colors and shiny metal.
I used to collect wind-ups and the metal ones were always my favorites.
This one has a lot of action. The tail moves back & forward, the
ears go up & down and the feet move as the ball rolls forward."
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2007 Linda Apple
"Glass Insulator"
oil on masonite - 4"x6"
still life antique
"Today I decided on an old electrical insulator. I found this
in the basement of my old studio building that was over 100
years old. I am sure it must have come from one of the old
poles on the street. I love how the light reflects through
the old blue glass and show its imperfections."
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2007 Linda Apple
"Antique Scottie Dogs"
oil on masonite - 6"x7"
still life antique
"This rare old pin cushion belongs to a friend of mine
who is a scottie dog collector. I thought this was an
unusual item and had to do a painting of it. I
liked the difference of the textures; the satin cushion,
stitching around the edges and the ceramic dogs."
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2007 Linda Apple
"Hen on Nest"
oil on masonite - 6"7"
still life antique
"This was my grandmas white milk glass covered dish. She had
a big one and this small one. I have no idea what you are suppose
to put in them, but I think they are cool. This was an interesting
painting to do as it was a study in whites."
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.