
Copyright © 2012 Linda Apple
"Night Visit"
oil on gallery wrapped canvas
16"x 20"
This large painting was a recent commission. The client
really liked my black cat and crow Halloween paintings
and wanted something with the cat, crow and owl in it and
a bit of magical fantasy quality. She lives out
in the country and is very connected to nature and owns a
black cat with green eyes.
This is what I came up with!
It was a really fun painting to do~
If you like the artwork above and have an idea of your own, I can create a piece for you too,
fill out my online commission form

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Tweedle Twins"
oil on canvas - 6"x 8"
Appletree Hollow Series
Written under this image in the Appletree Hollow album, was the date of 1827 with the title: Dee & Dum - the Tweedle Twins. They were identical twins who, as far as I can tell, never contradicted each other. Rather, they complimented each other in every way so completely that they became very famous, eventually owning a chain of clothing stores – “The Tweedle Brothers” finest in tailored wool clothing for big men.
Read more of their history in the Appletree Hollow Story.
Read the entire Appletree Hollow story here.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Copyright © 2010 Linda Apple
"Tommy Twig"
approx.4 inches high
Isle of Appleshire Series
Tommy is now a resident of Korwood Forest and although his family, like many of his species, are very social, they are known to travel long distances to visit others who live in heavily treed areas on the island. He is an English Nutter and, as you might not be knowledgeable about these little beings, I will fill you in on a little of what I know. When they are born, they are so tiny that they fit into half of a nut shell. In fact before they are born, the parents MUST have their shell prepared. They spend there time in the shell until they are big enough to wear it on their backs. This is to protect a large hump that holds their magical powers. They live in the hollows of trees which are often decorated with shiny objects that they find irresistible.
- World of Appleshire - Click images for details
- art doll
- english walnut shell
- fantasy
- forest
- glass eyes
- isle of appleshire
- lizard skin shoes
- mohair
- one of a kind sculpture
- prosculpt clay sculpture
- young boy
- art doll
- english walnut shell
- fantasy
- forest
- glass eyes
- isle of appleshire
- lizard skin shoes
- mohair
- one of a kind sculpture
- prosculpt clay sculpture
- young boy