man & woman

Different Directions - figurative oil painting

Copyright © 2011 Linda Apple
"Different Directions"
oil on gallery wrapped canvas

This was an experiment on a slightly differently designed
view of two people just walking along, obviously lost
in their own little world.


Without Words

Copyright © 2010 Linda Apple
oil on 1.5" deep canvas
8"x 10 "Art Museum Series

There are times when words are not needed.
A view of some Matisse style paintings at the art museum.


If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.


Rainy Day

Copyright © 2010 Linda Apple
"Rainy Day"
oil on canvas - 8"x10"

Just a bit of rainy day shopping!


Impressionistic View

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"Impressionistic Views"
oil on canvas - 6"x8 "
Art Museum Series

Two people with their shadows, seem to add to the
color and design of the impressionistic paintings.

click here to ask questions about this painting or email

It's Not ALL Black & White - What is art?

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"It's Not ALL Black & White"
oil on canvas - 6"x 8"

A big universal question that has been thrown around,
theorized about and created many debates in the art world is:
"What is art?" Everyone seems to have an opinion on the topic.
I find myself asking this question when I come across certain
works of "art". As this painting shows........I wonder what does
an all white painting or all black painting REALLY say?


If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

The Touch

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"The Touch"
art museum series
oil on canvas

Appropriate for Valentine's is a bit of Love @ the museum.
I thought you might like to see a recent commission piece today.
A client asked if I would do a young couple (like her & boyfriend)
in the museum, looking at a Renoir painting of "Dance at Bougival"
and requested that they are holding hands. This is the result.

click here to ask questions about this painting or email
If you didn't have a chance to purchase a painting because it was sold and would like me to recreate a similar piece for you or if there is something you would like to have painted in my style, just use the commission link below. There is never an obligation.


If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

In the Pink

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"In the Pink"
art museum series
oil on canvas

She was a short and sturdy kind of gal who appeared to
make an "impression" with just "a touch of pink".

click here to ask questions about this painting or email

If you didn't have a chance to purchase a painting because it was sold and would like me to recreate a similar piece for you or if there is something you would like to have painted in my style, just use the commission link below. There is never an obligation.


If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

The Passion for  Art

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
click painting for details
"The Passion for Art"
oil on canvas - 6"x6"
art museum series

Loving elderly couple at the art museum.


If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.

Different Agendas

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Different Agendas"
oil on canvas - 8"x8"
contemporary figurative

"Today was another wonderful spring day. If I go downtown around
lunchtime...this is a typical view I get... The lunchtime rush.
People scurrying around, all with some sort of agenda, hence the
title. Here are two very different individuals that seem to be in
a hurry doing something? going somewhere?
When I do the studies for many of the people scenes I am always
making up a story in my head about's so much fun!"


If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.


Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
oil on canvas - 8"x8"
contemporary figurative

"This was two of the young ballet dancers of the Columbus Dance
Theater, who recently performed at the art museum."

This painting is available @:
Evelyn Dunn Gallery
549 South Avenue West
Westfield, N.J. 07090
call them for info: ph. (908) 232-0412
Click here to link to their web site
