old woman

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"Just Visiting"
Who's On the Bench - It Takes All Kinds
oil on canvas - 8"x8"
In these trying times, it doesn't hurt to have a bit of humor.
This is the second tourist I have found.
I captured a glimpse of this gal taking a rest from all her
shopping or maybe she was waiting for her ride?
I believe that every person is special!
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Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Just Visiting"
Who's On the Bench - It Takes All Kinds
oil on canvas - 8"x8"
Something very different for you today.
In these trying times, it doesn't hurt to have a bit of humor.
I have had this idea from the saying: "It takes All Kinds".
So, I thought I might do a variety of people on benches.
This gal seems to be a bit lost but has found an interested little helper.
Personally, I have always believed in angels and such but not in the way
that they are usually depicted. I believe that they are just like the
average person. I guess this painting touches on these thoughts.
click here to ask questions about this painting or email
If you didn't have a chance to purchase a painting because it was sold and would like me to recreate a similar piece for you or if there is something you would like to have painted in my style, just use the commission link below. There is never an obligation.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.