surreal art

Copyright © Linda Apple
"The Mushroom People"
traditional collage - 8.5"x 9.25"
matted 12" x 16"
A surreal fantasy vintage collage.
A view into the world of my "Dreamscapes".
It contains different bits of vintage photos drawing
and some imagination.
If you would like a payment plan, just ask!
OPTION ONE: original collage (8" x 8.5") for $100.00 + shipping
OPTION TWO: w/archival matting(12" x 16"),ready to frame for $124.95
click here to ask questions or would like a special painting (Please include title)

Copyright © Linda Apple
traditional collage - 8"x 8.5"
matted 12" x 16"
This is a surreal fantasy vintage collage.
It comes from my private collection that I created in the 90's.
A view into the world of my "Dreamscapes".
It contains different bits of vintage photos drawing
and some imagination.
If you would like a payment plan, just ask!
OPTION ONE: original collage (8" x 8.5") for $100.00 + shipping
OPTION TWO: w/archival matting(12" x 16"),ready to frame for $124.95
click here to ask questions or would like a special painting (Please include title)

Copyright © Linda Apple
"The Bath"
traditional collage - 8"x 11"
matted 12" x 16"
This is a surreal fantasy vintage collage.
It comes from my private collection that I created in the 70-80's.
A view into the world of my "Dreamscapes".
It contains different bits of vintage photos drawing
and some imagination.
If you would like a payment plan, just ask!
OPTION ONE: original collage (8" x 11") for $100.00 + shipping
OPTION TWO: w/archival matting(12" x 16"),ready to frame for $124.95
click here to ask questions or would like a special painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2010 Linda Apple
Fantasy Series
6"x8"-oil on canvas
After freeing the caged bird these two became fast friends.
click here to inquire price or to ask questions about this painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Pink Roses" -available
oil on canvas - 9"x 12"
Collectible Appletree Hollow Series
This is Flora Millicent Shepard, born and raised in Appletree Hollow.
From the time she was very young she loved flowers and seemed to possess the
ultimate "green thumb". She would sneak into Albert Findhome's garden
and prune his shrubbery into animal shapes.
It wasn't until she received first prize at the yearly village festival with an extraordinarily
large stemmed pink rose, that she was given the title of : "ROSEY FLORA" and became
the local floral expert. At the young age of 21 she established the first scientific lab in floral
gene splicing that created some of the most amazing species of roses that we have today.
click here to ask questions on this painting (Please include title)

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Reginald Biggs"
oil on canvas - 6"x8"
Appletree Hollow Fantasy Series
Reginald Biggs: Infantry soldier in the Civil War
Was born in Germany in 1843 and arrived at Appletree Hollow in 1845, where he learned the cooper’s trade (making large wooden casks) from his father. However, it proved so injurious to his health that he was compelled to seek other means of livelihood.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you,
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