trompe l'oeil

Classic Still Life

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"The Good Times"
oil on canvas
Retro Vintage Still Life Series

An old etching and a bottle of wine are a few of the old items
that bring back memories that may be lost but not forgotten.


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The Visitor - potting shed

Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"The Potting Shed"

oil on 1.5" deep canvas & painted on sides
Retro Vintage Still Life

It seems as though there is a visitor in the potting shed!
click here to ask questions about this painting or email

If you didn't have a chance to purchase a painting because it was sold and would like me to recreate a similar piece for you or if there is something you would like to have painted in my style, just use the commission link below. There is never an obligation.
