vintage wind-ups
Copyright © 2011 Linda Apple
"Buck Rogers"
oil on canvas
It's up,up and away today~ with a vintage Buck Rogers space ship!!
So,have some FUN!!
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Copyright © 2010 Linda Apple
"Want a Ride?"
oil on canvas
Retro Vintage Still Life Series
Back in the corner of the attic, on the top of an old
battered bureau,sit a few items that still hold a bit of charm.
Mickey seems to be beckoning the old toy horse. A few beads,
and a well read book wait to be used again.
I really enjoy doing these still life paintings.
It may be because they take me back to my childhood.
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.
Copyright © 2009 Linda Apple
"Here Birdie, Birdie"
oil on 1.5" deep canvas - 9"x12"
Retro Vintage Still Life Series
The bird and the cat.
Thinking about some of my family today, so I added a parakeet.
Why? Well, my grandma had a little blue parakeet for years
that she taught to talk. It would ask her" Whatcha doin'
Vernie?, Whatcha cookin?, Love ya Vernie and some other things.
That bird was her treasure.
click here to ask questions about this painting or email
If you like the artwork above, I can create a piece similar to it for you. Just click button.