Nightrider - light & power worker

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
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approx. 11 inches high -20.5 inches w/ base -13 inches wide
Isle of Appleshire Series
The is a "Nightrider", one who works for the village power company. They are the caretakers of the fireflies that are placed into the street lamps and the tall "claw-horns", the night creatures that they ride. These creatures,also known as "leaf eaters" are very gentle as long as they only come out at night. Their large eyes allow them to see the smallest detail in the dark but daylight is very painful. Their long legs enable them to eat the top, most tender, tree shoots and gives the rider the needed height to reach to the top of lamp posts.
Nightrider's exposed parts are prosculpt clay and he has a soft body, glass eyes and mohair hair. He is wearing his gourd hard hat,rabbit fur boots over woolen pants, burlap shirt under his leather vest and carries his knife. The creature is made from gourds and Aves Apoxie, glass eyes and devils claw(detachable) horns and frog leather saddle.
Nightrider and creature are removable from the base as well as other parts of this set come apart for shipping.
Read the continuing first adventure on the Isle of Appleshire here.
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