Phineas Bartleby - clock tinker

Copyright © 2008 Linda Apple
"Phineas Bartleby"
approx.7.25 inches high (8 inches with hat)
Isle of Appleshire Series
Phineas, at the age of 325 yrs.,is one of the elder residents of the village of Earthgate. Like his father,Sam, he became a clock tinker and has been in the business of repairing and selling clocks in the village. He is a very orderly and overly persnickety which is probably why he is single. The exception to this is his unruly hair, so you will usually find him wearing his lizard skin top hat.
He is a full body sculpture of polymer- Prosculpt, mohair hair and hand painted eyes. He carries a back pack with leather straps (made by his mother,Flora) to hold the clock parts and a book with images of the newest clocks available for purchase and wears the tidiest handmade linen clothes.He also has a bit of arthritis now, so he walks with a cane.
Read the continuing first adventure on the Isle of Appleshire here.
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